Today’s disagreement is about Gentle Parenting.
Gentle parenting can be seen as a movement and generational push-back against the parenting styles that Gen-Xers and Millennials grew up with.
Here’s now Jessica Winter describes it in The New Yorker:
…Gentle parenting centers on acknowledging a child’s feelings and the motivations behind challenging behavior…The gentle parent holds firm boundaries, gives a child choices instead of orders, and eschews rewards, punishments, and threats—no sticker charts, no time-outs, no “I will turn this car around right now.”
In this episode, we use “Gentle Parenting” as a stand-in for the entire constellation of modern parenting brands: Peaceful, Respectful, Mindful, Intentional, Conscious, Compassionate, Sturdy…
While there are some small differences between each method, they all generally follow the core “gentle” tenets.
The Guests
Ryan Allen is a licensed child therapist and gentle parenting expert and influencer. He specializes in helping “little kids with big emotions.” He’s a bit of a social media phenom, with 1M followers on TikTok.
Lori Gotlieb is a psychotherapist and New York Times bestselling author. Her book, Maybe You Should Talk to Someone, has sold more than a million copies. She also co-hosts the podcast “Dear Therapists” and writes The Atlantic’s “Dear Therapist” advice column.
The Questions
How should parents help kids regulate their emotions?
What is the right role for punishments and consequences?
And…what is the happy medium between “Because I said so!” and Lord of the Flies?
Lori Gottlieb’s 2011 Article in the Atlantic: “How to Land Your Kid in Therapy”
Dr. Becky, Founder of Good Inside and ‘Millennial Parenting Whisperer’
Janet Lansbury’s ‘No Bad Kids’ Method
And last but not least, what did you think about this episode? Email us at You can also DM us on Instagram @thedisagreementhq.
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